You can write about either gender, sexual orientation, or both.
你可以写关于性别 、 性取向 、 或两者.
互联网These abuses perpetrated because of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, have affected millions.
这些虐待因事实上的或者被认为是不同性倾向与性别认同方面的原因而发生, 影响到了数百万的人群.
互联网Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.
促使种族歧视 、 性别歧视 、 宗教歧视 、 国籍歧视 、 残疾歧视 、 性别歧视或年龄歧视的.
互联网His sexual orientation was questioned unexpectedly , making him feel wronged.
他的性取向横遭大家质疑, 他感到十分委屈.
互联网Kirchofer duly kept mum about her sexual orientation at work.
互联网What is your sexual orientation?
你的性别趋向是甚 麽 ?
互联网As a result of the experience, they may begin to question their own sexual orientation.
这种创伤体验的结果是, 他们可能开始对自己的性取向提出疑问.
互联网The school shall respect the gender temperaments and sexual orientation of students, faculty and staff.
互联网Says the Employment Non - Discrimination Act should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity.
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